Monday 8 October 2012

Hot & Tasty - Logo 3

To progress on with the logo for this, to make sure that I have a definite one that I would like to go ahead with and take to my meeting with the cafe owner, I asked for opinions from Baljeet & Beth to see which of the 6 I ended up with in the first place with the different &'s they thought worked the best.

They initially chose the one in the middle on the right, and then when I said I would rather not use that one because of what typeface it actually is that has been used, they chose the top right one. But they had a point that the middle right one looks friendly and welcoming, so I decided to have a see if I could find more &'s like this that wasn't that typeface. I found quite a few!

I printed these out to get a better idea of them.

The ones that stood out to us the most are the ones with the little scribbles to the left of them. They are all slightly different and was hard to choose, so I had the idea to make them bigger and print them bigger. That way it would make them clearer and easier to study - this turned out to be really useful!

And printed...

We each individually picked the top one and agreed that from these ones this looks and works the best. So I will move forward using this one from now on.

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