Saturday 13 October 2012

B&W - Narrowing Down

I got all of the patterns that I did printed out to help me to start making some decisions to what I think is and isn't working, to start narrowing them down and start making some decisions.

Not thinking how many there actually is that I have done, I decided to pin them on the wall so many at a time, then with a purple marker start to cross out the ones that I don't think are working or wouldn't want to use.

The way I did my decision making through this bit is that I looked for the patterns that don't necessarily look like letters straight away and you have to route to find out what it is. I also took out the ones that I don't like once printed as well as ones I don't think are strong enough. First image is the ones I pinned up, then the second have the patterns crossed out that I don't want to use/take forward.

By doing this I managed to narrow down to having around half from what I started out with. Here's all the designs that I have decided to keep:

I grouped together the designs that are different sized to be able to lay them out better to see all that I have left to be working with.

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