Thursday 24 May 2012

Smoking - Typeface Test

For the titles of what I produce, I had a quick experiment with typefaces I think would suit what I am looking for, including Helvetica Neue, Gill Sans, Futura, etc.

From seeing all of these together to compare, the typeface that I am most drawn to is the second one down, which is Gill Sans. I then experimented with what typeface to use for the bodycopy for what I produce. I didn't want to just assume to use the same as the titles but of a thinner weight so I experimented with a variety of ones available. I used information from the myths idea that I had for this.

Despite experimenting, I am also drawn to using Gill Sans for the body copy as well. The bottom two images are of this typeface, one being regular weight and the other being light. I like both of these, I will have to try with both to scale and in context to see which is best suited and looks most effective once printed.

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