Saturday 10 November 2012

Type Exp - Black coffee with milk

I want to try and be experimental with this brief, and try out things that I haven't before. The first quote that I'm working with is 'If you haven't have any white coffee I'll have a black coffee with milk in it'.

I want to try and achieve a sort of liquid effect with the 'white coffee' and 'black coffee' parts of the poster. I used illustrator to try and achieve this.

I used lines and what not to try and achieve the effect that it is liquid and tried including the white light reflected parts to it too. I want to see how it might work in context with the rest of the text, so I did the same to the rest of the letters for white and put the first part of the quote together quickly.

I want to achieve a 'white coffee' colour for that section of the poster.

It's not bad. I did the same effects with coffee, and then did the rest of the poster, changing the colour of 'black coffee' to represent the colour of one. I didn't do the work 'black' just yet because I just want to see how it is working.

I am just not feeling this at all. I don't like it and I have tried to be patient with it but no. Obviously the between sections need sorting out and what not, but I just can't see it working anyway. I might just scrap this to be honest and move on from it and just accept that it's a bad experiment.

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