Monday 5 November 2012

ISTD Research Brief - Collection

After having a good read through quite a lot of the current and previous ISTD briefs, I have found one that I think pretty much fits the idea that I have for the tea.

This asks for you to have a collection (which would be the different flavours of tea available), and catalogue them using it as an information system. And says "As an information retrieval system a catalogue records, dutifully and in detail, an inventory of any number of objects or products, stating size, weight, colour, price of whatever set of vital statistics you feel is relevant to the objects' - so that would be talking about the flavour, ingredients, what goes well with it, what it is good for, etc.

I will keep the same brief title for my brief that I will write up, and write mine based on what this one says but with the relevant information for the tea idea.

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