Wednesday 8 February 2012

Top Ten - Blink 182 60 Second Sequence - ATST Initial Storyboards

Following on from getting the initial ideas sketched down for each of the song sections in my 60 second title sequence, although for the idents this is where I drew out reasonably neat storyboards, I found this to be quite time consuming and took me a while so I will also do this next bit differently. I have decided that because I have concentrated and come up with ideas for the sections as I got to them rather than doing a number of different full sequences, I will now put the ideas that I have on to storyboards to experiment with and see which I think will work the most effectively. I will just do this roughly again so they won't be of the actual typeface, but it will still give me a clear enough idea as to what will and wont work at this stage, and will also help me make decisions as to what I want to include in the sequence and what I don't and what will possibly need tweaking (and try out the tweaks too).

I printed out a number of storyboards already done so that I don't have to spend time drawing loads of them out and I can just get started. Where ever there is a frame that looks like this:

This means that it's just a blank frame that is separating the idea experiments. It's easier to work out the ideas without having to work out when it start and ends. A couple may not have to red lines on because I forgot, but unless it says otherwise on the storyboard then that's what it is.

I found producing these storyboard to be a lot more beneficial than what I did with the ones that I produced at this stage for the idents as they are just really quick and simple, so how neat it is isn't really a requirement so it allowed me to work through the ideas and tweaks faster, which is what was needed to develop what I was doing. I included the annotations straight away as well so that they are easier to look back on and immediately get.

I really like how some of the ideas for the sections have developed through the process of doing this. It has been very beneficial to do definitely. I think the ideas which incorporate what the actual lyrics are on about will work really effectively, like with the last line where it says 'my little windmill' and then the word windmill rotates like an actual windmill. It may be a little cheesy but not too over the top in my opinion as it is just a simple effect, which is what kinetic type usually consists of so I think these will work quite nicely. I'll do these for the other sections and then reflect back over what I have and then start to make some decisions for the actual content I will produce.

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