Thursday 1 December 2011

Studio Workshop 1 - Sequential Thinking

Studio workshop on 1/12/11.

A process of visual thinking, not a flick book just works to key frames.

Task to do for 1pm
Using the research that we prepared in preparation for today, I'd to take one letter from each of my two words, I chose S and O. With these I'd produced (a minimum of) 5 visualisations on a sheet for each word to communicate my words. Producing quick sketches, one sheet for each word.

Tasks from 1pm
Using the visualisations that I produced ready for this afternoon, I'd to produce 5 x 5 frame sequences for each on a sheet of paper using specific requirements.

Sheet 1
Change of form
Visual quality or character

Sheet 2
Lateral  |  Vertical
Change of position
Change of orientation
Change of axis
Fixed form/fixed scale

Sheet 3
Change of form
Change of scale
Lateral or vertical +

Tasks to do for Tuesday 5/12/11.
  • move on with silent movie brief
  • annotate, review and rework what we have done today explaining what I was thinking whilst I was doing them. Put on notes, arrows, etc.
  • use visual aids already produced this morning, choose 5 to work with. Can either use both words of get rid of one and focus on the other. For each individual idea come up with 5 sequences for each one consisting of 5 frames. Can now use the whole word, not just a letterform. Be of quality. Include a colour. Trace as much as possible to keep as true to the original typeface as possible.
  • bring along a set of 25 mini screen grabs on kinetic type. 25 frames at equal intervals. 25 frames that demonstrate significant key changes that happen. Do on one video.
  • research into kinetic type stuff and start putting it on the context blog for research.

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