Thursday 21 April 2011

Visual Language - What Is A Line? - Brief

In the next visual language session, I had to write my own brief to use for the idea I am going with. After considering it, I think the idea in general to draw for this brief is most appealing because it is not always an option with other briefs that we do. Even so, thinking about it, if I were to hand draw the typography idea, each of them could still work with the brief being aimed at drawing, so I will explore each to see what I think will work the best in this style. To keep the brief more focused though, I decided to have a more specific outcome to work towards.

After this task was done, we then had to swap our briefs with someone else for them to re write our brief to see if they come up with anything better, or add anything that could be important to it. I swapped mine with Dom.

We sat and discussed each others for a while, and then had to produce our own Action Plans to follow for the brief, which we then discussed with each other what we were planning to do. I think if I manage to stick to mine then I will get a good outcome for the brief.

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