Saturday 20 November 2010

No News Is Good News Mailshot - Envolope Ideas Development

I decided that because I am basically moving the designs I have on my posters across onto the mailshot, I would get straight into doing it digitally because I already have basically what I need, just need to make things fit and in order.

I want a mailshot that engages the audience, so I tried out the one where the section pulls out from the envelope first. I included the poster in the middle so that there would be something that does come out of it.

This idea works quite well, but I would need to re arrange the type around so that it reads better as the different sections are revealed. I like the idea, but I want to try out different ones because I think a different idea could possibly work better.

The next idea I tried was this one.

Focusing on the design on the outside of the mailshot, I experimented with putting enough information on it as I could without giving too much away.

I tried a few different ways, and also made it to that the envelope folds out and reveals the information on the inside, having the whole thing as one piece.  I am not really feeling this idea as much as I did the last one so I moved on to something else.

I next tried this.

This idea is similar to the first one I tried, but in this one you pull out a separate piece. The envelope starts with asking 'Did you know?' in a shape that could be interpreted as a beer mat. I think this makes the mailshot seem a little more mysterious, possibly making the audience feel like they want to know what it is going to say. Then when you pull out the inside piece to the design it reads the fact that I used, with emphasis on the 'binge drinking' part of it. And then it folds out to reveal more information and a point of call on there for them to go find out more.

I really like this idea, I think it works quite effectively, and the colours work really well. I asked some ones opinion on it, and something they said was that maybe the envelope gives a bit too much away with having the illustration of the bottle on the outside, so to maybe take that off and make more of it on the inside.

The designs for this ended up being like this.

I have also changed the typeface I am working with on this because I think that this one works more effectively than the previous one I was using did.

I then looked over the research I have got for this brief, and decided to have a go at a different idea where the envelope folds out into something, because from the research I think the ones that do this are that bit more engaging, which is what I am trying to achieve.

I used the same graphic elements on this as I did the previous experiment, and had the envelope fold out into the bottle illustration. I think this works well, and has the same reveal effect like the first experiment I did has. Even so, I think there is a little too much area for the amount of information I have to put on.

So I took off one of the sides.

I also thought about how it would hold together through the post on this one so tried a little fold bit that would fold into the back of the design. I don't like this though because I think it makes the whole thing look that bit less unprofessional.

So I tweaked the idea a bit more and got this.

This is the version that I took into the progress crit with me.

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