Sunday 23 January 2011

100... - Info Graphics Task

Studio task with Amber from 17/01/11.

This was a task we did to understand a bit more how info graphics works. First, we had to write down a list of 5 things in 4 different categories. This was:

5 things that have happened to me connected to college since we started.
  1. results back from first module
  2. learnt something new
  3. saw Jane again
  4. made friends
  5. learnt how to use Illustrator
5 reasons why you applied to the course
  1. already was at the college
  2. loved the sound of what is done on the course
  3. love graphic design
  4. new course
  5. i got a place
5 reasons why I am wearing this t-shirt
  1. I didn't want to wear a black top with black jeans
  2. it's cleaned and ironed
  3. like the image on the front
  4. the first light top I came to
  5. I like it
5 significant things that have happened since I started school
  1. got made to go home when I was ill and didn't want to 
  2. made lots of friends in junior school
  3. got good GCSE results 
  4. started LCA for National Diploma Graphics and met my best friends
  5. got a place at LCA for BA (hons) Graphics
Then using a big sheet of paper we were to draw a line going across it, and to mark on each of these from the lists above in order from when they first happened to the latest one using a specific symbol for each.

Once we did this we were then to re do what we just did, but this time not leave any gaps between the symbols and make them all evenly spaced.

When this was dine, we got some graph paper and drew out the same time line but neater, doing it exactly the same but in two different styles, and added a key somewhere on the page and put the title next to them for which category each was representing.

This task showed us basically how info graphics works. How using basic things to represent something more, keeping it simple and to the point. The simpler it is the more effective info graphics actually works. I will definitely look into using this at some point whilst I am on the course because it is interesting to see how different the final design looks compared to how it starts.

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