Tuesday 28 September 2010

Alphabet Soup Pt 1 - Visuals/Sketches.

Feeling like I have a sufficient amount of ideas to start with I got my head down and started putting together sets of visuals for them. The majority of my ideas are ones that go in sequences, so I sketched out each of the sets of sequences for the ideas to the A6 size to give me a better understanding as to whether the idea is good or not and if it would work/respond to the brief well.

Idea: 'the 'bowl' shaking inside a letter'.

Here I have taken the letter O and used a bold, wide typeface and simply just drew them out in sequence so that when they are looked at in order it will look as thigh the bowl is been shaken around the inside of the letter. On these sketches I have just done 9 because the 10th one would be the same as the first to show that even though it is being shook it still ends up in the same place.

Idea: 'hand shaking'.

I got this idea from the Seasame Street 'secret drawing' video I have included in my research. I have used the definition of shake to be shaking hands, so i used the middle connection of the M to be the 2 arms that shake hands. I have just used simple circles for the hands because I think the detaik of them isn't necessarily as important as the shape of the letter. I figure that a thin capital letter M would work best for this idea so that there is the flexibility within the movement of the arm to make it look like what i am intending.

Idea: 'a bit shakey progressing to being a lot shakey'.

The basis of this idea was thought of from the image i have in my research of someone shaking their phone. It got me thinking about how when ever you shake something you usually start of slow and progressively get faster at doing it resulting in a more blurred version of what is being shook when looking at it. So using a simple bold version of the letter O I have drawn it as though it is being shaken from side to side and in each of the sequence it gets more and more blurred making the final design ini the sequence a lot wider than the original.

Idea: 'shaking positions'.

For this idea I basically imagined shaking a letter within something and visualised where the letter could possibly land in each of the sequence. I think this is quite a simple idea but i do think that it would respond to my random word well.

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