Thursday 13 October 2011

Good Is... Studio Workshop - Logos

Using the 9 refined answers to the questions, along with the logo/brand/identity examples we have collected in relation to them, we did a logo workshop with Fred. Having him say 'you will have 96 different logos when we finish' didn't feel realistic before we started, but it certainly did proved that it was useful.

Key elements that make a logo
  1. colour
  2. typeface/letterform
  3. image/symbol
  4. word/name
  5. (shape)
Using 1 or all can generate any brand or any identity.

On the first sheet, we were to come up with as many different words from the list of answers to the questions that we felt best represented our concept. I did them scattered over the page and didn't go along the squares in order, which is something I regret now looking back at it because I could have seen the development better, but lesson learnt.

The next sheet we were to do 8 using just a word, 8 just a letterform and 8 just a symbol. The red one is an example Fred did for me once the session was over.

Combine 2, either word, letterform, symbol. No more, no less, logos based on todays workshop. They need to be hand rendered, 1 colour, A6. Must be done to a standard where they could be traced straight into illustrator and traced straight off. Must do 150.

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